
Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Can Dogs Eat Plums? - October 2024 - Two Tails Pet Company

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can dogs eat plums


Can dogs eat plums? It's a question that many dog owners have.

While plenty of foods like pineapple and bananas are safe for dogs to eat, the same isn’t entirely true for plums. The answer is a bit more complicated - certain parts of the plum are okay, others are very dangerous for dogs.

It's critical to consider a few factors before feeding your pup a juicy, purple plum.

Risks of feeding plums to dogs

The Plum’s Pit

Plums, like other stone fruits such as peaches, cherries, and apricots, contain pits with cyanide. If your pup gets its paws on a plum, cyanide poisoning can lead to kidney failure or even death. This is especially dangerous to smaller dogs because of the toxicity tolerance for smaller bodies.

Like a sharp bone, the pit of the plum is also a choking hazard and can cause severe damage to your dog's digestive system. Not good news for dogs prone to gulping down their food! A sharp, rigid plum can cause significant damage to the esophagus, stomach, intestines, or intestinal tract. 

High Sugar Content in Plums

Though dogs can eat the flesh of plums, it's important to track the sugar content of plums. Dogs shouldn't consume too much sugar. The high sugar content found in plums can lead to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and dental issues.

If you choose to, it's best to only give your pup small pieces of plum every now and then as a special treat.

Health Benefits of Plums for Dogs

A plum's sweet, juicy flesh is safe for dogs to eat. They can offer health benefits for dogs including hydration, vitamins, and minerals.

Plums also contain enough vitamin K and potassium to support dogs' immune systems. Additionally, dried plums are beneficial because they have concentrated amounts of dietary fiber, which helps with digestive issues.

Antioxidants and vitamin C are non-essential, but they are in plums and can support your dog's immune system.

But please keep in mind that dogs should only eat plums free from pits — meaning, the flesh must be pit-free. This means no giving your dog a whole plum! Also, don't offer your pup too many pieces, as it can cause digestive upset. 

What to do if your dog eats a plum with a pit

If your pup manages to eat the pit of a plum, take them to the vet immediately. Provide medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect cyanide poisoning.

Your vet will be able to offer further advice and treatment should this be necessary.

If you're unsure if they ate the pit and want to be sure, watch for signs of an intestinal blockage. These may include lethargy, loss of appetite, panting, stomach pain, a sudden aversion to belly rubs, vomiting, and constipation.

So, Can Dogs Eat Plums?

As we mentioned, the answer to the question is yes, no, and be cautious.

Yes, dogs can eat plums as long as you remove the pit and only in small amounts. But no, dogs shouldn't consume whole plums (pits included) as it poses high risks of cyanide poisoning and choking hazards. If you do - be cautious about how much your dog is consuming due to the high sugar content.

While plums are an option, there are plenty of better fruits you can feed your dog to avoid any of the risks mentioned. Bananas, watermelon, and strawberries are all safe for dogs.

Remember, the most important thing is to always keep an eye on your pup when it’s eating. If you'd like to give your dog a snack from the fruit basket, don’t forget to read up on what other dogs can safely eat! Happy Snacking!






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