
How To Get Rid of Skunk Smell On Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Get Rid of Skunk Smell On Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide - March 2025 - Two Tails Pet Company

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Encountering a skunk while on a hike or a neighborhood walk with your pup is all too common. Skunks often make their dens in and around populated areas because they’re attracted to garbage and food debris. Dogs are naturally curious about wildlife, and they may try to chase or play with a skunk if they encounter one. If your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, the smell can be overwhelming and linger for hours or even days.

If your dog has been sprayed, try not to panic. There are many over-the-counter products you can buy to help remedy the situation, but you might have the ingredients you need for an effective DIY solution already in your kitchen. We’re here to walk you through how to get rid of skunk smell on dogs and offer some helpful tips to avoid future sprays.

Why Does Skunk Spray Smell So Bad?

The smell of skunk spray is notoriously one of the worst smells found in nature. Skunks evolved the ability to spray in order to protect themselves against predators like wolves, coyotes, and badgers. They can spray a direct stream of liquid about 10 feet or release a mist that can reach up to 20 feet away.

Although the exact chemical composition of skunk spray varies by species, the primary reason it smells so bad is because it contains thiols. These organic compounds contain a combination of hydrogen atoms and sulfur, which is why the spray smells so bad. The same compounds are also found in rotten eggs, but they’re especially potent in skunk spray.

Is Skunk Spray Dangerous for Dogs?

Skunk spray generally doesn’t pose serious health risks for dogs. But if your dog is sprayed directly in the face, they may need to be taken to the vet. In rare cases, skunk spray can lead to more serious health risks. 

Take your pup to the vet right away if you notice any of the following:

  • Swelling or redness of the eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea, drooling, or vomiting
  • Lethargy or lack of coordination

Steps for Removing Skunk Spray From Your Dog

1. React Immediately

The best thing you can do when your dog gets sprayed by a skunk is not panic. Intervene as quickly as possible. The faster you get to work removing the smell, the easier it will be. Skunk oil sticks to dog fur, so removing it quickly and thoroughly can help reduce the risk that it settles in.

2. Keep Your Dog Outside

The last thing you need is for your dog to run indoors covered in skunk spray and roll around on the carpet or brush up against your sofa. If possible, keep your dog outside while you work on removing the smell. Also be aware that skunk oil can rub off onto your clothing, so you’ll likely want to wash the clothes you’re wearing before you sit down on any furniture.

3. Avoid Rinsing Your Dog With Water

After a dog is sprayed by a skunk, many people’s first instinct is to grab the hose or put their dog under bath water. But this can actually worsen the problem. 

Skunk spray is oil-based, and the surface tension of water is greater than that of oil. When the two substances come into contact without the addition of cleaning products, water tends to pull the oil in all directions. Rinsing your dog with water can make the skunk spray and the smell harder to remove.

4. Prepare a DIY Skunk-Spray Removal Solution

Unless you’re ultra-prepared, you probably don’t have a dedicated skunk-spray removal dog shampoo sitting in your cupboards. But you can try mixing your own with just three ingredients you may already have in your kitchen:

  • 4 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • ¼ cup of baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons of dish soap

Make sure you mix the ingredients thoroughly and avoid getting the solution anywhere near your dog’s eyes or your own.

5. Apply the Solution

Here’s how you should apply your DIY solution to your dog:

  1. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands and lower arms.
  2. Avoiding your dog’s eyes, nose, and mouth, apply the mixture while it’s still bubbling.
  3. Rub the mixture thoroughly throughout your dog’s fur, focusing on the areas where they got sprayed. Don’t forget to apply the mixture on their belly, tail, and behind their ears.

6. Let the Solution Soak

Don’t rinse the solution off your dog’s coat right away. It’s okay if they shake, but try to let the mixture sit for at least 15-20 minutes so the ingredients have time to break down the skunk oil.

7. Rinse Your Dog With Warm Water

Once the solution has had time to soak in, rinse your dog thoroughly with lukewarm water. It’s important to remove all of the solution from your dog’s skin and coat to avoid irritation and ensure the skunk spray has been washed away.

8. Use a Strong Pet Shampoo

In order to remove any remaining skunk oil or DIY solution left in your dog’s fur, shampoo them thoroughly with their usual pet shampoo and rinse it away with warm water. Use a towel to dry them off thoroughly.

9. Repeat as Necessary

If you can still smell the skunk spray on your dog’s fur, you may have to repeat the process once or twice. The smell of skunk spray is extremely strong, and depending on the amount that was released, it can linger for hours or even days.

How To Prevent Your Dog Getting Sprayed by Skunks

Here are a few tips that can help protect your dog from getting sprayed again in the future:

  • Supervise your dog when they’re outside during dawn or dusk.
  • Try to keep skunks away from your property by securing your trash cans and not leaving food out.
  • Install motion-activated lights to help deter skunks.
  • Train your dog to be cautious around wildlife.
  • Consider using skunk repellents.
  • Avoid taking your dog into areas where you’ve seen or smelled skunks in the past.

Final Thoughts

If your dog is sprayed by a skunk, don’t panic. While the smell is atrocious and has a tendency to linger in a dog’s fur, there are effective ways to remove it. 

Follow the steps above and repeat the process as necessary. Try to keep your dog away from your carpets and furniture while you deal with the spray, and remember that the smell won’t last forever.

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