
Can Dogs Eat Peas? Your Comprehensive Guide to Peas in Your Dog’s Diet

Can Dogs Eat Peas? Your Comprehensive Guide to Peas in Your Dog’s Diet - March 2025 - Two Tails Pet Company

Last updated

Many dog owners love to share human foods with their pets. It can be fun to see your pup try new foods and make them feel like part of the family by sharing a meal. But while many human foods are safe to give your dog in moderation, it’s important to be aware of safety and nutritional information. Some human foods are toxic to dogs, while others can be safe and healthy snacks.

So can dogs eat peas? What about other legumes like chickpeas and lentils?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat peas and most other legumes in moderation. In fact, many dog food brands include peas in their recipes because of their nutritional value. But it’s important to take precautions when feeding your dog any human food, and peas are no exception.

Are Peas Safe For Dogs?

Yes, peas are safe for dogs. They’re a healthy, delicious treat that can be incorporated into your dog’s diet by themselves or as part of a recipe. As with any new ingredient, it’s important to start by giving your dog a small amount so you can check for signs of allergy or intolerance. 

Peas can be frozen, thawed, cooked, or raw. But they should always be served without additional seasonings or spices. If you have any concerns about your dog eating peas, you should always discuss them with your veterinarian.

Generally speaking, dogs can eat most types of peas, including:

  • Green peas
  • Snap peas
  • Snow peas
  • Garden peas
  • English peas
  • Chickpeas

Benefits of Peas for Dogs

Peas aren’t just non-toxic for canines. They also offer robust nutritional value. 

Here are a few reasons why peas are good for dogs:

  • They contain vitamins A, C, and K.
  • They’re a great source of protein and fiber.
  • They’re tasty.
  • They’re heart healthy.
  • They’re full of antioxidants.

Things To Consider Before Feeding Peas to Your Dog

Be Careful With Peas in a Pod

Typically, it’s safe for both dogs and humans to eat the pods of snap peas and snow peas. But this can introduce some potential issues, so it’s important to proceed with caution.

Never let your dog eat pea pods without your supervision. The pods are sometimes tough to chew, so it’s important to watch your dog closely and make sure they don’t choke on larger pieces. It’s also a good idea to keep pods away from small dog breeds, as they sometimes have trouble digesting them.

Are the Peas Cooked or Uncooked?

Raw peas aren’t toxic for dogs, but they can be harder for them to digest. They’re also more likely to trigger allergic reactions. If you decide to feed your pup raw peas, always make sure you serve them fresh and wash them thoroughly.

Are the Peas Canned?

It’s generally safe to give your dog peas that are fresh, frozen, or thawed. But avoid giving your furry companion canned peas. Canned foods usually contain lots of added sodium, which can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Does Your Dog Have Kidney Problems?

In many cases, it’s best to avoid giving peas to dogs with kidney problems. Take precautions before you do. 

Peas are high in purines – natural compounds that break down into uric acid. This can pose a potential hazard for dogs with kidney problems because their kidneys sometimes struggle to filter and eliminate excess uric acid. In some cases, this can lead to health complications like kidney stones.

Always consult your vet before introducing new foods to your dog’s diet, especially if they suffer from kidney problems or other health conditions.

How To Introduce Peas to Your Dog’s Diet

Consult Your Veterinarian

If your dog is prone to allergies, has existing medical conditions, or if you just want to air on the safe side, talking to your veterinarian should always be the first step. Your vet should be able to give you information that’s specific to your pup and their health so you can make an informed decision.

Check for Allergies

Try giving your dog a single pea and then wait to make sure they don’t have any allergic reactions before you offer them more.

Symptoms of food allergies in dogs include:

  • Redness, inflammation, or rash
  • Itching and scratching, especially around the face
  • Hot spots on the skin
  • Excessive licking or chewing of the paws
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Excessive gas and bloating
  • Ear infections
  • Swelling around the face and mouth

Introduce Them Slowly

Abruptly changing your dog’s diet can cause gastrointestinal issues and decreased appetite. Even if your dog doesn’t have any food allergies, it’s still important to introduce any dietary change slowly and carefully. Whether you’re switching dog foods or introducing a new treat, supplement, or human snack, take it slow.

Serve Peas in Moderation

While peas are perfectly healthy for most dogs, they should always be served in moderation to avoid digestive problems and overfeeding. The general consensus is that treats and snacks, including peas, should make up no more than 10% of your dog's overall diet.

Final Thoughts

It’s generally safe to give your pup peas from the fridge or dog food that contains peas, as long as they don’t have an allergy and you’re careful about moderation. In fact, peas contain a number of healthy nutrients that can promote canine health.

But any time you change your dog’s diet, it’s important to consider their overall health, specific medical conditions, and nutritional needs. It’s a good idea to check with your vet before you introduce peas or any other human foods.

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